Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Making Medical Billing Simple and Easy

“Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.” Making this Albert Einstein quote the mantra of medical billing will result in greater profitability for your practice. Making things simpler would just avoid medical debt collection altogether and stop asking for deductible balance payment because no one likes paying their bills. Simple as possible means making your patients understand your financial policy, giving them a consequence for not following it and giving them as many options possible to make payment.

Communicate the patient financial policy

Being on the same page as your patients is key when making payment receipt as simple as possible. Be sure your practice has a written patient financial policy. Your policy should be communicated to them through a written form in a new patient paperwork packet, discussed with patients over the phone when the call to make appointments, and reminded in person by front desk staff, nurses and the physician.

Have a consequence for non-payment of balance

Once you have educated patients on your financial policy, it is a wise idea to create a consequence for not abiding by the policy. Whether your policy requires patients to pay before seeing the doctor, after seeing the doctor or after leaving the office, be sure a consequence is communicated for non-payment. The most commonly used consequence by medical providers is the refusal to make new appointments or let patients communicate with their physician (for non-emergencies) until their balance payment is received.

Give many options of payment

Ok, so you have told patients what is financially expected of them and given them a consequence for not following policy; now it’s time to make it as simple as possible for them to pay their balance. Easy and convenient bill pay options increase your chances of receiving a payment on time. By broadening payment method options, such as accepting payment by cash and credit card as well as personal check and taking payments over the phone or patient portal, makes paying off balances easier and less of a hassle.


  1. Hi, good post. I have been thinking about this issue, so thanks for sharing. I will definitely be coming back to your blog.

  2. Hi, good post. I have been thinking about this issue, so thanks for sharing. I will definitely be coming back to your blog.

  3. Thank you for your encouraging comment and thanks for reading!

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