Thursday, July 26, 2012

Alleviating Allergy Ailments with ENT EMR

Otolaryngology is probably my favorite specialty.  To me, the senses of hearing, smell and taste as well as verbal expression are what make life worth living.  These senses can be dulled as the result of seasonal allergies and I fully appreciate the relief that an allergy shot provides.  Also referred to as ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialists, otolaryngologists treat conditions ranging from nasal polyps and chronic ear infections to cleft palates and laryngeal cancer.  ENT EMRs promote the optimum practices in allergy management with templates tailored specifically to otolaryngologists.  

Many people suffer from allergic rhinitis caused by pollen, dust and pet dander.  Otolaryngologists confirm the sensitivity to suspected allergens by exposing the patient’s skin to diluted allergens.  An ENT EMR allows otolaryngologists to accurately enter test results via voice recognition or keyboard from scratch tests and skin end-point titration.  Doctors can create customized allergen panels from the template for each patient and can compare them to past tests. 

ENT EMR allergy templates manage skin test vial concentrations and can submit replenishment orders to the lab.  EMRs make creating immunotherapy treatment recipes more exact, which yields more effective treatment results.  Variations of the same recipe based off of a single test can also be calculated for increasing levels of allergens or in the case that the shots aren’t working for the patient after a year of treatment.  Keeping patient safety a number one priority, printed and barcoded bottle labels created by the EMR software ensure that patients receive their correct, prescribed dosages.  

Schedule templates in the ENT software help otolaryngologists create an allergy shot care plan for the patient.  Set alerts inform the doctor of a missed shot and the patient can then be rescheduled.  The use of a patient portal with an EMR is a great way to send reminders to patients to stay on track with their immunotherapy shot schedule treatment plan.  

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